But, every attack that does "hit" when this is active takes a chunk out of Gemma’s SAS meter, making you invulnerable for less time.You are entirely immune to enemy attacks, they’ll hit you, but there’s no knockback or damage.There’s no mention in-game of this armor causing any extra damage to his opponents, so Gemma’s offense is almost entirely based on his own combat skills and physical abilities, while his defense is entirely unshakable. Essentially, he uses Psychic-type energy to coat his body in a sort of “armor” that completely renders enemy attacks ineffective. Now, that said, Gemma Garrison’s Sclerokinesis ability is almost exclusively meant for defense, which is a rarity when compared to powers like Pyrokinesis and so on that are all about offense. But, once the story starts to take off, Gemma Garrison becomes a pretty integral part of Yuito’s plotline. Gemma is at first someone who just appears to be Arashi Spring’s lackey. Frankly, it's the SAS power with the best compatibility for synergy with all the other powers.You can put Electrokinesis or Pyrokinesis on your weapons then attack with Duplicates to immediately shock or burn enemies if you have the Concurrent SAS Activation skill that is.At Bond Level 3, Kyoka also duplicates your playable character as well, doubling (or even tripling at Bond Level 5) the damage from each hit.Increases the number of objects thrown with Psychokinesis while active.It's one of the more useful SAS abilities since it can do stuff like: Plus, Kyoka has a very unique Psycho-Kinetic ability called Duplication, which allows her to create both copies of herself and any objects she wants. And, her beauty, brains, and combat prowess all easily explain how she was able to make it so high in the OSF at such a young age. Kyoka is a kindhearted person, but she seems to get pretty ruthless against the Others ( by the way, this game really loves to use that term). Next up is Kyoka Eden, a Major in the OSF and the leader of the squad Kasane is in. Bond Level 2 Unlocks the Electrification Circle attack, while Bond Level 6 unlocks the Electro Flux Discharge.His Electrokinesis also modifies your combos, though this happens at higher Bond Levels rather than by default.Hitting an enemy with an electric weapon over and over applies the Shocked status effect rather than the Burned one, which stuns them in place briefly.Weapon attacks imbued with Electrokinesis create sparks in the air that make it easier to damage airborne enemies.That said, in terms of how Shiden's Electrokinesis works in-game, it’s basically the same as Hanabi’s Pyrokinesis, except: RELATED: Lingering Questions We Have After The End Of Scarlet Nexus Shiden Ritter is the odd man out in the Seto squad, as he’s so insanely rude to everyone around him, though he does seem to hold respect for those who are strong consequently, he meshes pretty well with Kasane. He can create, control, and manipulate electricity with his mind. Then there’s Shiden, the least likable character in the game and a real stick in the mud.

Both characters throw objects at enemies using Psychokinesis or attack enemies with objects in unique ways.Quite frankly, the developers make Psychokinesis incredibly fun to use, but what does this mean for gameplay? Well: They've both got Psychokinesis, better known as the ability to manipulate and move objects around them with their mind. The motivations for each of the two playable protagonists will be explored below, but as far as their abilities are concerned, both Kasane and Yuito have probably the most stereotypical power people think of when they think of the term "psychic."