To compare the software in this project to the software available in other distributions, please see our Compare Packages page.Select view: Major packages only (52) All tracked packages (229).Redcore publishes fixes for package manager.: Distribution Release: Redcore Linux 1710.: Development Release: Redcore Linux 1801 Beta.: Distribution Release: Redcore Linux 1801.: Distribution Release: Redcore Linux 1803.: Distribution Release: Redcore Linux 1806.: Distribution Release: Redcore Linux 1812.: Distribution Release: Redcore Linux 1908.: Distribution Release: Redcore Linux 2004.

: Development Release: Redcore Linux 2101 Beta.: Distribution Release: Redcore Linux 2101.: Distribution Release: Redcore Linux 2102.: Distribution Release: Redcore Linux 2201.Releases announcements with download links and checksums: To achieve this goal, Redcore provides a repository with pre-built binary packages which receives continuous updates, following a rolling release model.
#Quiterss 0.18.4 install
It aims to be a very quick way to install a pure Gentoo Linux system without spending hours or days compiling from source code, and reading documentation. Redcore Linux explores the idea of bringing the power of Gentoo Linux to the masses.