From the moment you awaken, you are on a path to the final, amazing revelations! And, unusually for an ARPG, the backstory is highly relevant to the game’s conclusion. The back story is detailed and impactful, with wonderful plot twists keeping you guessing all the way through. The Orokin were a powerful master race and all the current factions (see more about these below) originally splintered away from them. The Tenno use bio-mechanical suits, known as Warframes, to channel their natural abilities. The Tenno are aided by a character called The Lotus who acts as a guide and hint-giver, pointing the way forward. You can enjoy a lot of action in the game: from shooting and melee games, to parkour, and RPG quests, the rewards from which will power up your equipment and earn you upgrades.

This was a response to player feedback and offers a nicely immersive experience. Some levels – the earlier ones – tend to be procedurally generated, while later ones offer a more open-world effect, allowing you to explore more widely. These warriors wake up to find that the world as they knew it has changed and that they are now at war with various other factions. Warframe is an action role-playing game with a first-person shooter element, and a massively multiplayer online game: (an ARPG FPS MMO, if you will!) In the game, you control members of the Tenno, an ancient race of warriors who were in what would be called an enchanted sleep in a fantasy, or cryostasis in a sci-fi game – suspended animation by any other name!